
The First Loss Capital Provider will be responsible for the following Pool management actions:

  • Loan origination.

  • Vetting and identity verification of Borrowers.

  • Coordinating Lender voting on loan approvals.

  • Pausing and resuming lending from the Lending Pool.

  • Defaulting loans.

In addition to these management actions, First Loss Capital Providers can also manage their Lending Pools using the following parameters:

Parameter NameDefault ValuePurpose

Staker Earning Factor


First Loss Capital Provider’s tool to control their earning leverage within the Pool

Target Liquidity Percent


Defines the proportion of the Pool to keep liquid (i.e. not loaned to Borrowers)

Minimum Loan Amount

100 Capital Tokens

Enforces a lower bound for the loan amount on loan requests

Minimum Loan Duration

1 day

Enforces a lower bound for the loan duration on loan requests

Maximum Loan Duration

51 * 365

Enforces an upper bound for the loan duration on loan requests

Template Loan APR


Provides a default loan APR for new loan applications

Template Loan Grace Period

60 days

Provides a default grace period for late loan payments

In addition to the Pool-Level parameters, First Loss Capital Providers can also manage the following Loan-Level parameters:

ParameterDefault ValuePurpose


Template Loan APR

Allows First Loss Capital Provider to change the APR for a specific loan from the Template Loan APR

Loan Duration


Allows First Loss Capital Provider to change the specific loan duration from the value submitted on the Borrower loan request

Loan Grace Period

Template Loan Grace Period

Allows First Loss Capital Provider to change the specific loan grace period for late payments

Loan Amount


Allows First Loss Capital Provider to change the specific loan amount from the value submitted on the Borrower request

Last updated