

Provides staker access control, and a basic close functionality.

Close functionality is implemented in the same fashion as Openzeppelin's Pausable.


address staker

Staker address


bool _closed

Flag indicating whether or not the pool is closed


event Closed(address account)

Event for when the contract is closed


event Opened(address account)

Event for when the contract is reopened


event StakerSet(address prevAddress, address newAddress)

Event for when a new staker is set


modifier onlyStaker()

A modifier to limit access only to the staker


modifier onlyUser()

A modifier to limit access only to users without roles


modifier whenNotClosed()

Modifier to limit function access to when the contract is not closed


modifier whenClosed()

Modifier to limit function access to when the contract is closed


function __SaplingStakerContext_init(address _accessControl, address _stakerAddress) internal

Create a new SaplingStakerContext.

Addresses must not be 0.


function setStaker(address _staker) external

Designates a new staker for the pool.

Caller must be the governance. There can only be one staker in the pool. Staked funds remain staked in the pool and will be owned by the new staker.


function close() external

Close the pool.

_Only the functions using whenClosed and whenNotClosed modifiers will be affected by close. Caller must have the staker role. Pool must be open.

 Staker must have access to close function as the ability to unstake and withdraw all staked funds is
 only guaranteed when the pool is closed and all outstanding loans resolved._


function open() external

Open the pool for normal operations.

Only the functions using whenClosed and whenNotClosed modifiers will be affected by open. Caller must have the staker role. Pool must be closed.


function closed() public view returns (bool)

Indicates whether or not the contract is closed.


function isNonUserAddress(address party) internal view returns (bool)

Verify if an address has any non-user/management roles

Overrides the same function in SaplingContext


function canClose() internal view virtual returns (bool)

Indicates whether or not the contract can be closed in it's current state.

A hook for the extending contract to implement.


function canOpen() internal view virtual returns (bool)

Indicates whether or not the contract can be opened in it's current state.

A hook for the extending contract to implement.


uint256[49] __gap

Slots reserved for future state variables

Last updated